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Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday, Monday...

Mondays get such a bad rap!  We do not rejoice at Mondays the same way we rejoice about Fridays - for obvious reasons!

Mondays don't have to be as bad as we make them out to be.  I mean, yes, we have to return to work and our "free" time is over for another five days, but we can do some things to actually make them pleasant (yes, pleasant!)

Think about your week ahead and plan some things to look forward to (Sunday evenings are a great time to do this).  Prepare for Monday so that Monday morning goes smoothly.  Maybe you can plan to have lunch with a friend on Monday, or a noon workout to get you started on the right track for the week.  To make Monday night fun, consider cooking your favorite meal, or having a "date-night."  Other ideas include a fun, family "game night," taking a family hike, time spent in nature, or watching your favorite shows.  It all depends on what YOU find rewarding. 

Whatever you do today, make it special.  Today is still a gift from God, even if it is a Monday.  Find the rainbow in the clouds.  Make today beautiful - because you are beautiful, and Mondays can be too!

"Happy" Monday!

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