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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Leaving a Trail

We are leaving a trail behind us wherever we go.  Not a physical trail, but a trail that will be felt even more deeply.

How we talk to everyone we encounter and how we treat them, will in turn affect them.  How they treat others as a result, will effect those they encounter.  So it continues on and on.

For the family that we live with and for the people we are with daily, this trail will be even more imprinted.  We are leaving a deep trail within the hearts of our spouses and children.  We are even leaving trails in our children's future children, without even realizing it.  How we treat them will determine what kind of parent they will become, and what type of trail they will leave.  So it continues on.

It is so important that we leave a trail that is positive, for there is enough negative already in the world.  We must be leaving trails of love.  Keeping hate out of the world is a responsibility we all must share, for if we don't take on the responsibility, who will? 

Thought of the Day:  What type of trail are you leaving?   Make sure it's in alignment with the life you want to lead and the way you want to be remembered.  Your trail is not just solely yours.  Others too, will travel in your path.

Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. So true. I totally believe in Karma (when our trail comes back and bites us in the ass).
