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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

One Smile

"One smile can move around the world 
faster than a frown!''
Bill Dewayne
(Positive Living Chic fan)

Well, what can you say to that!  One smile CAN move around the world faster than a frown!  Positivity multiplies.  It multiplies faster than negativity, because it is wanted, uplifting, and just feels good!

Smile at someone and they smile back.  Then, they feel good and pass it on - and so it continues with unlimited potential.  Good deeds bring on more good deeds. All good things multiply and spread, filling the world with kindness, smiles and love.  

Love is contagious.  So is laughter, happiness and positivity.  Smiles are also contagious -- have you ever played that game as a child where you tried to look at another and not laugh or smile?  If you have, you know its powers and know how hard it is to resist.

Thought of the day:  Go out today and see how many people can resist smiling back.  Let's make that one smile multiply and move around the world!  

Have a great day! 

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