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Monday, September 12, 2011

Your Journey

I saw this recently and it really struck a chord.  So many of us have fought many battles in our life -- so many of us are still fighting battles.  Oftentimes, people feel as though these battles have delayed them in life.  They feel that they are behind in life because of them -- that they have held them back from achieving things according to their perceived schedule.

I do not believe this is true.  Without our battles, we would not be the person that we are today.  These battles have made us stronger.  They have given us a finer appreciation of the goodness that we do have in our lives or will have in our lives.  These battles have shaped us and continue to shape us -- into the magnificent being that we are becoming.  We are not behind, but simply where we need to be.  These battles have given us a unique perspective, a wealth of knowledge, and a deep appreciation of the things in life that others who have not weathered such battles are unable to appreciate.  We need to trust that we are exactly where we are meant to be.

Thought of the Day:  You are not behind because of your battles, but rather, they have helped mold you into the dynamic person that you have become or are becoming.  See the gifts they have given to you.  Perspective, appreciation, knowledge and insight are just a few.  Our battles have made us who we are today.  I accept all my battles in life and I am now thankful for them.

Have a wonderful day!

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