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Thursday, October 20, 2011


People influence us -- for better or worse.  Just like our activities and habits, we need to be careful of the type of people we surround ourselves with.  If we are around people that create drama, we will be sucked into their drama.  If we are around negative people, we will feel their negative energy. Conversely, if we are around positive and uplifting people, we will become better people and more positive ourselves.

Jim Rohn puts it this way:  "You must constantly ask yourself these questions: 

Who am I around? 
What are they doing to me? 
What have they got me reading? 
What have they got me saying? 
Where do they have me going? 
What do they have me thinking? 
And most important, what do they have me becoming? 
Then ask yourself the big question: Is that okay?"

Thought of the Day:  Is it ok?  It is time to evaluate who you are allowing in your life.  We don't have a lot of spare time, so choose wisely those who you really want to make time for.  Don't feel bad about cutting ties with those who are holding you back or those who do not support your goals.  We all need to be on the right road that aligns with our aspirations. 

Have a fantastic day!

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