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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Prayers of Gratitude

Continue to let gratitude be the pillow upon which 
you kneel to say your nightly prayer.
Maya Angelou

Gratitude -- it's the secret to happiness.  When gratitude is a part of your life, all things are possible.  

The key to becoming a positive person is recognizing things to be thankful for in your life.  It's ok if life isn't perfect and you don't instantly recognize many things to be grateful for,  just find what you can and give thanks.  As you start to do this, you will identify more and more things you have to be grateful for. You'll begin to feel more happy -- and positive.

The more we express thanks, the more we have in our life to be thankful for. Begin each day with a prayer of gratitude.  End each day with a prayer of gratitude...and see what happens!

Have a great day!


  1. I love your Blog and FB help me to <3 thank you!

  2. Thank you so much for your taking the time to leave me your kind comment -- you help me refresh! :-) Have a great day!!!
